Nauset Community's Collaboration
with Grassroots Programs in Haiti
Nauset Human Rights Academy
In October of 2017, Nauset Human Rights Academy hosted the White Privilege Symposium. We were lucky to have wonderful speakers such as Chuck Collins, Debby Irving, Jackie Battalora, Peggy MacIntosh, and Eddie Moore Jr. This program, created by Eddie Moore Jr, is a nation wide conference that "strives to empower and equip individuals to work for equity and justice through self and social transformations." (https://www.whiteprivilegeconference.com/)

In January, the Human Rights Academy attended the annual Martin Luther King Walk in Welfleet. We honored MLK by attending the silent walk though downtown Welfleet. The members of HRA shared stories of immigrants and undocumented immigrants.

In January, Human Rights created the annual gallery. The gallery talked about social justice issues such as immigration rights, human trafficking, and the #MeToo movement.

After the tragic Parkland Shooting, the Nauset students wanted to show their support and solidarity. The Human Rights Academy led the school wide efforts to host a school-wide walkout along with thousands of other students and teachers on March 14.

Many members of HRA attended the March for Our Lives in Washington D.C. to demand stricter gun laws.The trip would not have been possible with out the help of a student organizer Benten Niggel who was able to make the trip free. This experience was life changing for many students who attended.