Nauset Community's Collaboration
with Grassroots Programs in Haiti
Nauset Human Rights Academy
2014 - 2016

Senior, Kahla J. speaking at the Cape Downwinders annual rally, at The Massachusetts State House. Click on the picture to the right to see the whole speech.

Human Rights Students recognized by Local Cape Cod Times Newspaper, for activism with The Cape Downwinders. Click on the picture above to read full article.
Human Rights Students recognized by Local Cape Cod Times Newspaper, for activism with The Cape Downwinders. Click on the picture above to read full article.
Junior, Matt W. speaking at the Cape Downwinders annual rally, at The Massachusetts State House. Click on the picture to the right to see the whole speech.

Cape Cod Community College Annual Multicultural Engagement Festival to learn more click on the logo above.

Nauset HRA : Anti-bullying Curriculum (ABC)
Through her nearly 20 years of teaching, Lisa Brown has noticed the dire need for a new understanding of the concepts, terms and ideology that is in of itself. As a result co-presidents Kahla J. and Charlotte W. with the-help of the their team created a template for elementary schools to better teach children about the harm of bullying. In addition to giving the curriculum to schools we have also brought high school students to elementary schools to preform the activities and teach through the motto, "Create a Culture of Kindness."

The curriculum is filled with activities such as (above) which is called "The School Bus Freeze-frame", the exercise gives HRA members Bully, bystander, upstander, and observer positions and they ask they crowd what is going on here to get a better understanding of how hurtful situations can be and what you as the viewer can do to stop it.

Co-president Kahla J. (above) at Eastham Elementary School, facilitating during an ABC activity.
Anti-bullying Curriculum:
If you are an educator and you would like to check out the curriculum we have developed, please feel free to email us at nausethra@gmail.com and we can put a package together for you and your school.

Twice a year the Barnstable County Human Rights Commission hosts Human Rights Days and invite the human rights academies from all the schools on The Cape.

Each year The Barnstable Human Rights Commission recognizes the work of graduated seniors before they embark on their next journies.

Each year The Barnstable Human Rights Commission invites all the different schools to give presentations on the work they have done over the past year.