Nauset Community's Collaboration
with Grassroots Programs in Haiti
In interacting, learning and advocating for the human rights of Haitian people, we have come to see amazing aspects of their culture. Below are a few snapshots, please feel free to email us to learn more as well.
AJMPD ~ Children

From June 1st to the 12th AJMPD has raised funds to provide free food for 5 surrounding communities, for a day of celebration in each village.

Students from the Matènwa Community Learning Center preform for the different communities. The preformances represent the importance of children, and encourage parents to do everything they can to send a child to school.

They invite families with children that may or may not be going to school to their event.

Members of AJMPD will approach families to see what can be done to send a child to school. AJMPD offers assistance on farms, and family buisnesses as a way to give children the opportunity to go to school.

Children express themselves through singing and dancing, in their shows to their communities.
AJMPD ~ Mother's

On Sunday June 28th Haiti celebrates their appreciation for mothers. This year AJMPD made food for and invited all the mothers and their children in Matènwa for a day of celebration.

Children - Home made Kites
One of the best things to do as a child in Haiti, when it is a bit breezy out is to design, build and fly home made kites.
Children will find plastic bags floating through the wind, gather a few twigs, some sap or tacky glue (if they can find some), and sit for the longest time, using the utmost concentration to build kites.
When the Nauset Haiti Trip comes to Matènwa we usually try to pack at least one American Kite, tacky glue and colorful tissue paper so we may watch as the neighboring children share with us their craft

Above are two children in Matènwa, Haiti (age 9-10) flying a United States Kite, watch how high they can get it to fly.
Ricardo climbs coconut tree:
Ricardo our newest Haitian Creole translator has so much to teach everyone he meets as long as they take the time to stop, watch and listen. Thank you Ricardo for all you do to help people that come to your country; home.